As Researcher/Professor:
- 15+ years of research expertise in computer vision and machine learning with applications in robotics, augmented reality, autonomous driving and healthcare
- 250+ peer-reviewed publications (mostly at top-tier conferences and journals in CV/ML/Robotics), 18000+ citations, h-index=60 (Google Scholar)
- Well-known research contributions in 3D object detection and tracking, scene understanding, shape representations, 3D reconstruction and SLAM
- Advisor for 200+ Ph.D, Master and Bachelor Theses
- 15+ years of academic teaching activity in the area of Computer Science (Computer Vision, ML, AI, Computer Architectures, etc..)
- Award recipient including 2 Google Faculty Awards and 1 Amazon Research Award
- Regularly serving as Area Chair/Ass Editor for CVPR/ECCV/NeurIPS/IROS/ICRA/..
- Core developer and core member of the open source Point Cloud Library (PCL)
- Former intern and consultant at Willow Garage
As Team Lead/Manager
- 2019-now: Manager and Research Scientist at Google Zurich (Switzerland)
- Managing an applied CV/ML research team of 40+ Research Scientists and SWEs across multiple offices in North America and EMEA
- Launched new CV/ML features used by Google products including: Lens, ARCore, Lookout, ML Kit, Bard
- 2014-now: leading a research team of Ph.D. students at TUM (Germany)
- Between 2015-2018 the team included 20+ PhD students/postdocs and attracted 6M+ EUR funding.
- Research partnerships/projects with Google, Toyota, BMW, Audi, Zeiss, Amazon, Stanford Un, Oxford Un., MIT, ETH, MPI Tübingen/Saarbrucken, Cornell, Berkeley Un., JHU, TsingHua Un. (among others)
As Entrepreneur:
- Co-founder and CEO of Pointu3D GmbH, startup acquired by Google in 2019
- Scientific advisor of computer vision startups for AR and autonomous driving including Fyusion (exit 2021) and Apex.AI (56M USD series B)